We perform a variety of cosmetic and functional (medical) eyelid surgeries. There are many medical conditions can cause problems with the upper and lower lids. These medical conditions can be diagnosed during a consult with one of our eye surgeons who perform oculoplastic surgery. Our surgeons will determine if your eyelid surgery could be covered by your medical health insurance. See below for a detailed list of the surgical procedures we perform.
Schedule your consult with either of our board certified surgeons to find out what specific procedures you would be a candidate for.

Upper lid blepharoplasty, also known as an upper eyelid lift, is a surgical procedure to reduce loose or excess skin found in the upper lid crease. This can reduce the weight of the upper eyelid (making it easier to keep the eyes open) and remove upper eyelid hooding (improving the peripheral vision). This results in a more youthful, awake appearance and improve peripheral vision. The incision is made within the crease of the eyelid, resulting in no visible scar. This procedure is performed with a CO2 laser, which minimizes bruising and swelling, with a resulting faster recovery time.
Lower lid blepharoplasty, also known as lower eyelid lift, as a surgical procedure to reduce the puffiness of the lower eyelids or bags under the eyes. The incision is made on the inside of the eyelid so there is no external visible scar. In patients that have excess sagging skin in the lower eyelid, a small incision can made at the eyelash line can be made to remove the excess skin. The entire procedure is performed with a CO2 laser, which minimizes bruising and swelling, with a resulting faster recovery time. It is very important to note that lower lid blepharoplasty is a very specialized surgical procedure and should only be performed by highly trained surgeons who have specific knowledge of the eyelid anatomy. If not performed correctly, significant scarring and deformity to the lower lid can occur.

This is usually performed as a cosmetic addition at the same time as an upper lid blepharoplasty. Brow pexy is a cosmetic procedure in which a permanent stitch is placed at the arch of the eyebrow to keep the eyebrow lifted. This gives a very subtle lift to the eyebrow without any external scarring and further enhances the longevity of the upper eyelid lift results.
Ptosis is a medical eyelid condition of the upper lid most commonly due to the weakness of the levator muscle and its attachment to the tarsal plate in the upper lid. This can be corrected by a surgical procedure in which a permanent stitch is placed in the upper lid to reattach the levator muscle to the tarsal plate. Of note, this condition can be caused by other life-threatening medical conditions such as Myasthenia Gravis, which can be checked with a simple blood test.

Entropion is a medical eyelid condition of the eyelid turning inward with resultant eyelashes scratching the eye. This condition usually occurs in the lower lid and is correctable with a surgical procedure to restore the natural architecture of the lower lid and prevent the eyelid from rolling inward.
Ectropion is a medical eyelid condition of the eyelid turning outward, this condition usually occurs in the lower lid and is a result of lower eyelid laxity. This usually results in significant dry eye that can cause permanent scarring of the cornea and poor vision. It is correctable with a surgical procedure to restore the natural architecture of the lower lid and prevent the eyelid from sagging.